Digidop officially becomes a YouTube partner!

November 9, 2023
3 min
YouTube Creator and Partner Program logo (with a preview of a YouTube channel in the background)
Key points

After publishing over 250 videos in just more than two years, it's official: Digidop has joined the YouTube Partner Program! This is yet another achievement for us, but more importantly, it's an opportunity to share with you:

  1. The reasons for our acceleration on YouTube during Q3 and Q4 2023.
  2. How to join the YouTube Partner Program

And we also want to take a moment to thank you, because without you, none of this would be possible 💛

1. Why is Digidop accelerating on YouTube?

Screenshot of Digidop's YouTube channel
Snapshot of our YouTube channel on November 9, '23

1.1 Diversifying our acquisition strategy (Inbound Marketing)

💡 100% of Digidop's customer acquisition is achieved through inbound marketing. We have never spent a single euro on paid acquisition (ADS, Sponsorships, etc.) nor have we done any prospecting.

However, after the first two years of relying primarily on our SEO (organic search), this year's goal was to diversify our inbound acquisition sources by developing a media hub. And YouTube was central to this diversification strategy in Q3 and Q4.

1.2 Developing new revenue sources

But that's not all, as the platform will now also allow us to diversify our company's revenue streams, thanks to the monetization developments of our content.

While the channel brings in new clients to our agency division and thus to the revenues linked to our Webdesign services and Web Development, its growth and our recent integration into the YouTube Partner Program partly gives us the potential to generate revenue from our videos through Google AdSense.

2. The YouTube Partner Program

Monetization, accessibility criteria (subscribers, watch time)—we'll help you understand how the YouTube creator program works!

Screenshot of congratulations from YouTube for joining the YouTube Partner Program

2.1 YouTube Partner: What changes?

Short Story - Becoming a YouTube Partner simply allows you to activate the option to generate revenue with the video content from your YouTube channel.

Long Story - To be a bit more comprehensive, when you become a YouTube Partner, you actually "unlock" 3 new features. You can now:

  • Earn money with your content,
  • Use advanced copyright protection tools,
  • Access YouTube's creator support team

Well, we can all agree that what interests you the most is activating monetization for your content. But then....

2.2 How to become a YouTube Partner?

To be eligible for the program, your channel must meet the criteria of at least one of these two options:

  1. Have at least 1,000 subscribers and < 4,000 valid public watch hours over the past 12 months

  2. Have at least 1,000 subscribers and over 10 million valid views on public Shorts in the last 90 days
Summary of eligibility criteria for the YouTube Partner Program
Summary of eligibility criteria for the YouTube Partner Program. Source: YouTube

And now... How much? 😎

2.3 How much does the YouTube Partner Program pay?

⚠️ Warning: Even as a YouTube partner, not all of your content will necessarily be eligible for monetization. Certain additional criteria must be met.

For example, we had used some "royalty-free" music that allowed use on YouTube but not monetization on YouTube. So, we are allowed to use this music for free, but we cannot monetize our videos that include it. So, be cautious!

Initial figures?

Once your Google AdSense account is linked to your YouTube Partner channel, you can get an "estimate" of the revenue generated by each of your videos. The revenues are estimated, and their precise calculations are still not entirely clear to us. But we will produce a follow-up article (or update this one) when we know more.

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We also wanted to take the time to celebrate this milestone with you and express our gratitude, so: THANK YOU! Because without you, nothing would be possible 💛

And we’ll see you soon on YouTube? 😉

Link to Digidop's YouTube channel ↗

Digidop Team
Digidop Team
Web Agency

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