Make is the new 2022 version of Integromat. As of 22/02/2022, the Integromat tool will no longer be updated, but the automations will continue to function. However, the Integromat tool will be discontinued in 2023. Therefore, you need to migrate all your automations from Integromat to Make by then.
Here is how to migrate from Integromat to Make in 5 steps.
Step 1: Go to the Integromat to Make migration tool
Click on this Integromat to Make migration link to access Make's migration tool for Integromat.
To migrate from Make to Integromat, you must first ensure several things:
- You must have a Make account
- You must have an organization and a team created on your Make account
- All scenarios you migrate must not contain errors. You do not need to manually review all your scenarios; they will automatically be listed in an error list on the migration tool.
- Each webhook and mailhook must only be used in a single scenario. Integromat's redesign to Make no longer allows using the same webhook for multiple scenarios. It is therefore recommended to create a separate webhook for each of your workflows.
Step 2: Connect your Integromat and Make accounts
Once connected to the migration tool, you will need to select which Integromat account you wish to migrate, and which Make account to migrate to.
- Integromat Account: from the "Source" dropdown, click on "Integromat Legacy" and then "Sign in to source". A window will open where you need to log in to your Integromat account.
- Make Account: from the "Target" dropdown, click on "Make" and then "Sign in to source". A window will open where you need to log in to your Make account.
Once your Integromat and Make accounts are connected, click on “Continue”.
Step 3: Select the Team and Organization
Migrating an Integromat account to Make must specifically target “Team” and “Organization” to source the scenarios for migration and recreate the accounts.
- Source: from the "Source" dropdown, select the organization within your Integromat account from which you will source the scenarios to migrate to Make.
- Team & Organization: from the "Target" dropdown, choose the “Organization” and “Team” to which you want to migrate these scenarios in your Make account.
Step 4: Correct scenario errors
In this step, the Integromat to Make migration tool highlights the various automations that contain errors. You can either click on “Open” to go correct these scenarios or click on “Skip” to ignore them. Ignored scenarios will not be migrated to your Make account.
Once corrected or skipped, proceed to the next step by clicking on “Continue”.
Step 5: Select scenarios to migrate
All scenarios corresponding to your Integromat account will be displayed, and you can select the ones you wish to migrate to Make.
The migration table is divided into two parts:
- Scenarios ready to migrate
- Scenarios that cannot be migrated
- Scenarios already migrated
Then select the “Fast migration” option to migrate all your scenarios with one click.