5 tips to progress quickly on Webflow

April 4, 2022
3 min
Number 5 with an arrow pointing to a Webflow Expert badge.
Key points

You may have read somewhere that creating a website with a no-code tool was easy? So you dove into Webflow and... bam. You realized that it was not as easy as that...

Don't panic; this is the normal process, and you have already begun to learn. Now it's time to overcome this initial "difficulty" and learn to master the no-code tool Webflow.

I am Florian, a Webflow expert at Digidop, and in this article, I will share with you my 5 tips to progress quickly on Webflow.

1. Copy projects from other experts

There’s nothing quite like copying templates from other projects on Webflow to understand how to build a site. You will learn much more quickly by seeing how they were constructed from the inside. Here’s what you should do:

Go to the Webflow Showcase → open a project → clone the site → see how it was built → rebuild it!

2. Practice EVERY day

Webflow is a complex and comprehensive tool. It evolves quickly, and the human mind tends to forget things in no time. If you want to progress rapidly on Webflow, you need to practice building web pages/sites using Webflow every day.

3. Find solutions to your roadblocks on your own

Don’t know how to do something? No worries. You will find the solution either by experimenting with different buttons or searching online (blogs, YouTube tutorials, forums, etc.). There are numerous shared resources related to no-code available online to assist you.

3.1 Experiment with different configurations

Experiment with various buttons to discover... the right technical configuration! Yes, indeed! Sometimes it's by clicking around on "all the buttons" that you find the desired layout! Don’t be afraid; worst-case scenario, you can always use the keyboard shortcut to undo: Command + Z!

3.2 Utilize YouTube tutorials

There are many tutorials and lessons about Webflow on YouTube! Especially if you speak English. For instance, the Webflow University will allow you to learn a lot about Webflow.

Are you a French speaker? On our channel, you can find videos to learn Webflow in French.

3.3 Read blog articles

Here are a few blog articles to help you learn to use the no-code tool Webflow:

  1. Webflow Training in 2022 - Create Your Website
  2. 6 Mistakes to Avoid for Your Webflow Site
  3. 5 Tips to Optimize the SEO Structure of a Website

And many more...


4. Open Yourself Up to HTML and CSS Basics Training

Webflow is a no-code platform, but it obviously operates with code. The designer is structured exactly like HTML and CSS code. That’s why Webflow is often described as a visual interface for writing code.

Learning the basics of HTML and CSS will greatly assist you in your Webflow developments.

5. Take an interest in SEO

Optimizing your site for SEO means taking the time to think about questions that are more or less technical. Learning SEO helps to understand the fundamentals of web development and thus, to make rapid progress on Webflow.

At Digidop, for example, our Webflow developers first go through our internal training on SEO before diving into Webflow development. Why?

Because...having a website is good, but having a website with traffic is better

Want to know more? Read our articles on Webflow on the Digidop Blog!

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Florian Bodelot
Florian Bodelot

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