Basti Ui
Known for his numerous live streams and videos on Figma, Bastien Marécaux is undoubtedly one of the most followed French influencers in the web design community. Among his four YouTube channels, it is mainly on Basti Ui that you will find the most targeted content.
On this channel:
- Anecdotes
- Redesigns
- UI & UX Tips
- Tutorials & Tricks
- Vlogs
- Live streams and replays from YouTube & Twitch
Language: French
Flux Academy
In addition to its paid training programs, with nearly 780K followers, Flux Academy's channel is among the most popular channels internationally in the field of web design. The design team at Relume offers a wide range of content presenting tools, designs, methods, and more.
On this channel:
- Figma, Framer, Spline, Wordpress, Webflow tool videos, etc.
- Web design news
- Methods and tips
- Website redesigns
- "How To" videos
- Podcasts
- etc.
Language: English
The place to be! if you are looking for content that combines Figma and Webflow! Based on their agency experience, the Digidop team offers content that meets the real needs of designers and developers.
On this channel:
- Figma & Webflow tutorials
- Web design tips and tricks
- Web design news
- Interviews with Designers & Developers
- Vlogs
- Entrepreneurial content
Languages: French & English
A UI/UX designer and university instructor with over a decade of experience, Arash has helped more than 50,000 students worldwide become UI/UX designers from the ground up. It is this teaching approach that Arash translates onto his channel, which currently has over 100k followers.
On this channel:
- UX & UI Design tips
- Design resources
- Figma and Penpot tool tutorials
Language: English
JessUI Design
Product designer JessUI launched her channel to share her knowledge and tips about the Figma tool.
On this channel:
- Figma tutorials
- Interviews on UX & UI Design
Language: French
How could we not mention the Figma channel for learning Figma! With nearly 800 videos, Figma shares numerous courses and tutorials for mastering the tool. By following this channel, you'll also stay updated on the latest major tool updates.
On this channel:
- Figma tutorials
- Figma news
- Podcasts
- Event replays like Schema or Figma Config
- Talks
- Tips and tricks
Language: English