Website Carbon

Website Carbon

  • Improvement of site performance
  • Awareness of environmental impact
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Interface website carbon (digidop result 93%)
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WebsiteCarbon is a free online tool that measures the carbon footprint of your website. It also provides solutions to reduce the environmental impact of your website, contributing to the fight against climate change.


The features of WebsiteCarbon include:

  • A carbon footprint calculator that measures the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by your website;
  • Solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of your website, such as green hosting, code optimization, image compression, and the use of CDNs (content delivery networks);
  • Advice to improve the performance of your website, which can also help reduce its carbon footprint;
  • A detailed report on the carbon footprint of your website and solutions to reduce it.

Benefits of Website Carbon

  • WebsiteCarbon is a free and user-friendly tool;
  • It measures the carbon footprint of your website and provides solutions to reduce it;
  • The proposed solutions can contribute to the fight against climate change while enhancing your website's performance;
  • The detailed report provided by the tool can help you better understand the environmental impact of your website and make informed decisions to reduce it.

Drawbacks of Website Carbon

  • The solutions offered by WebsiteCarbon may require technical skills for implementation;
  • The calculation of your website's carbon footprint may vary based on several factors, such as the number of visitors and online activities.

WebsiteCarbon is a free online tool that allows you to measure the carbon footprint of your website and offers solutions to reduce it. It is easy to use and provides a detailed report on the environmental impact of your website. The proposed solutions can contribute to the fight against

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